Background History
AIIMS Microneurosurgery Workshop began in the year 1998 upon the initiation by Prof. A.K. Banerjee , Prof. P.N. Tandon and Prof. V.S. Mehta as a Informal get-together where Neurosurgeons could directly visualize live surgeries from the operating rooms performed by experienced surgeons and also have their queries answered regarding the surgical technique. The workshop became so popular that the department decided to make it an annual affair. It was then integrated with the annual prestigious Sarveshwari Memorial Oration. Over the years, a number of well reputed National and International faculty participated in the workshops alongwith the AIIMS faculty.
The workshop is unique consisting of live surgeries without any didactic lectures with a continuous interaction with the operating surgeons as well other visiting faculty. The atmosphere at the workshop is informal and a wide range of neurosurgical operations are demonstrated. Another unique aspect of this workshop is the facility available for the attending delegates to choose the cases for surgical demonstrations. No wonder, the workshop has been a big success especially with the neurosurgical trainees. The registration has been also kept to a bare minimum to allow students and delegates from economically challenged areas to attend the workshop.
Over years, the strength of attending delegates graudally increased and now not only include delegates from for all over the country but also from neighbouring countries as well.